Highest Cliffs in Europe
Just spent the last three sun-filled days on the west coast of ireland with my sister. We started in Galway, then headed north through Conomara National Park where we hiked to the top of Diamond Hill and saw plenty of beautiful beaches. We visited Archile Island and then drove to Donegal where we hiked up Europe's highest cliff. At nights we would eat local seafood at nice restaurants and drink at the local pubs...we even bought an irish music CD for the car to ensure a full irish experience. Overall i think it was a great journey...she has a couple more nights in dublin before flying home and i fly out to sweden!

Beach in Conamara

The 'Bens' in Conamara

Looking down from highest cliff in Europe

Me and my sister

Beach in Conamara

The 'Bens' in Conamara

Looking down from highest cliff in Europe

Me and my sister
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