Many people probably don't know, but my vision isn't perfect. Five years ago i used to wear glass on a regular basis. Back then my vision was -1.5/-0.75; meaning that i could see well up close but not so well for distance, luckily my vision was always within the legal driving limits. After loosing my glasses a number of years back i have been lazy and haven't had a chance to go in for another eye test or buy new glasses. So the years passed, and i forgot about it completely. But recently, i started thinking about contacts....they were never really an option for me before since i have seasonal allergies and used to suffer from dry eyes syndrome (DES). My DES was cured a few years back with something called punctal plugs which are essentially really, really small silicone plugs that are inserted into your tear-ducts to slow down tear drainage; you're not producing more tears, but they take longer to drain from your eye. And my seasonal allergies are gone as Ireland doesn't really have any seasons :) So i went in for an eye test and to my surprise found that my vision had only -1.0/-0.5. woohoo! now i got some disposable contacts and am enjoying my new found vision :)