Celtic Bart

my life ~ celtic tiger ~ random thoughts

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

CN Tower

It's coming to the end of a year and like usual, it is a time for joy and celebration...but just in a couple years, for all my dear Torontonians, it will be a time of great sorrow. I always knew this day would come, i hoped it would always be the same, but finally the end is in sight. Two years from now, our beloved CN Tower, which has put Toronto on the map for so many years as being "the world's highest free standing structure" will be surpassed by the Burj Dubai! How can this be? When someone foreign asks me what's special about Toronto...what will i say? My line about canada was always "Montreal's got the culture, Vancouver's got the beauty, Calgary's got the oil and the mountains...but TO's got the CN Tower". No one cares about the second tallest free standing structure in the world. All you torontonians out there...enjoy it while it lasts, milk it for all it's worth, because it will never be the same again. Sorry for this depressing post.

Here's a list of all the tallest free standing structures throughout history.


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