New Pad
Last weekend was a busy weekend. First off, i turned 27 (on the 27th) years old. I think 27 is one of those inconcequencial years, and 28 and 29 will be the same...their importance is darfed by the big three-zero. Anyway, we drank lots of vodka and went to a fancy nightclub. But the main event over the weekend was moving out of The Happy House and into a new apartment. Two of my spanish roommates are leaving for spain (for good) this weekend and i thought it would be good time to make the swap as well. Without paying extra rent, i've managed to upgrade to a pimp apartment were i have my own bedroom/washroom, extra-king sized bed in a modern building in the centre of town. The area is a little more dodgy than my previous upscale neighborhood but i've also managed to cut my commute to work by 20 minutes in both directions. My new roommate is Soeren, a german dude who works for IBM in sales. All is well in dublin. Vistors welcome as always :)
At 1:57 AM,
cam said…
Happy Birthday Dude!
Yeah, turning 27 really didn't do much for me either. Feels a lot like 26 did :)
I'm still trying to figure out when i can get out there... i'm thinking sometime in the new year - spend some time in Ireland and maybe sneak off to hit up the alps for a few days :)
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